Meet Shela

Coach, Author and Speaker

Shela Brown

A wife, mom, business owner and Christian that peaked over 300 pounds and maintained a 100+ weight loss for over 10 years. Most of what she learned was from others with similar struggle; and she is now comforting others the way she has been comforted.

Allow me to Share a reflection I wrote on Sept 8, 2023 about a LIFE TRANSFORMING day in my life!

Sept 8th marks a significant day in the history of my life. I call it the day I decided to CHOOSE LIFE!!!

Prior to Sept 8, 2008 I was very much aware of what Ed Silvoso meant when he defined Stronghold as “A mindset impregnated with hopelessness that causes us to accept as unchangeable situations that we know are contrary to the will of God”

My mind was impregnated with Thoughts of Hopelessness. I had accepted that wearing size 26/28; weighing over 300 pounds; breathing heavy not able to walk up a flight of stairs; going to bed wondering if I would wake up; not being able to say No to foods that jeopardized my health; chronic body pain that affected my mobility etc were all Unchangeable Situations in my life - even though God wished above all things I would be in health.

Sept 8, 2008 I went to work and was greeted by a break room full of food I absolutely loved. These foods were like friends to me. Friends I loved even though our relationship was unhealthy and some even toxic.

For the first time I PAUSED and said… God - I don’t even know HOW to walk away from this stuff… I then heard these simple instructions in a very small voice

1. Walk away 2. Sit Down 3. Smile & Say No Thank you

Choosing to act on these instructions changed my life.

It was a TOUGH DAY!!! A VERY TOUGH DAY!!! People were offering items, talking about how good they tasted, insisting I try one. I wanted to go in the break room and just to say Hi to my friends and see how they were doing . But by the Grace of God I kept repeating and following those instructions. Walk Away; Go Sit Down; Smile & Say No Thank You

At the end of that work day I sat in my car in tears. Victory Tears!

Excited to sharing with others

ON SEPTEMBER 8, 2008 that STRONGHOLD WAS BROKEN. The first time in my life I believed it was a possibility those unchangeable situations could change!

These past 15 years have been an amazing journey. Lots of highs and some lows. I’ve lost 100 pounds, 130 pounds even as much as 165 lbs. But I also had seasons were I gained 25, 30 even as much as 50 pounds along the way (primarily from overeating “healthy food” )

I’ve eaten clean and saw the number on the scale go lower and lower week after week and I’ve eaten clean and saw the number on the scale stay the same week after week (for the record - Uuuggghhh!!!!)

Currently, I’m coming off a season of overeating healthy food. Resulting in my most recent weight gain. The shame of weight gain had me not post or acknowledge this day for the past 2 years - but I decided I would do it anyway today.

I’ll be turning 60 in 24 days. Weight doesn’t come off as easy as it did 10 years ago. I’m learning to accept both of those facts.

It took me about 12 months to gain this recent 40 pounds. But because I KNOW I could’ve eaten in a way to regain 100 pounds in 3 months…. I also KNOW the Stronghold is still broken

So on September 8th, I reflect on the many ways Jesus my Savior - Rescued Me and Saved me from MYSELF

I reflect on the Holy Spirit continuing to move in me in ways I could never do on my own

And I reflect on the Instructions God has given me to follow and I will continue to allow those simple instructions to guide me as I commit to moving my body with 30 minute walks and eating clean meals at reasonable times.

I’ve been focused on the scale for 15 years - it’s exhausting… so if you don’t mind I’m going to let the number on the scale be God’s business. Trusting He will have mercy on me

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Enjoy today (Sept 8th) with these Simple Life Changing Instructions

Walk Away, Sit Down, Smile &Say No Thank You

Enjoy Today and Join Me as together we - CHOOSE LIFE

Love you and Thanks for Reading